Tell us what matters to you about Camore’s heritage.
The Canmore Museum invites you to complete our Community Heritage Values Survey. Your thoughts and ideas are important in helping us understand what the community values about our heritage before we begin developing strategies which promote the protection, conservation and interpretation of Canmore’s heritage. Taking a values-based approach ensures that our community first determines and understands what it holds as significant about its past and about its identity before we work together to decide what or how it will conserved. At its most basic, heritage is what people value and want to hand on to the future.
We are hoping that as many of you as possible will take 15 minutes to complete the survey below; the results will help us focus our work in protecting, preserving and interpreting Canmore’s heritage for years to come.
Your input through this survey will shape how the Museum’s Heritage Advisory Committee will conduct an open house, focus groups and neighbourhood walks in spring 2022. At that time, we hope to meet with you face-to-face to gather more input before (fingers crossed and the grant gods willing!) undertaking our first ever Canmore Community Heritage Study that identifies our community’s history and the major themes that run through it, development eras and characteristics of our neighbourhoods along with a places of interest list. We are keen to be inclusive of as many communities and organizations as possible, including our Stoney Nakoda neighbours, in this process.
Thank you for taking the time today to complete this survey. We look forward to sharing the results with you in early 2022 with next steps.
PS … Please pass this onto others you think should participate!