#111, 829 10th Street
Sept 9: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Sept 10: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
The Canadian Rockies Earth Science Resource Centre (Centre) highlights the Bow Valley’s geography and geology, and provides geoscience information, outreach and programming for junior / senior high school and university students, new industry employees and also for the general public (locals, tourists, etc.). The Centre is a ~2000 square foot facility located at Canmore including a reception area, small giftshop area, a geoscience library, an exhibition space, 2 bathrooms (1 wheelchair accessible), an office and a small conference room.
The Centre has partnered with the Canmore Museum to provide exhibits including the Operation Bow Athabasca exhibit, along with some other geoscience materials, to be set up in the new facility.The Centre is interested in presenting geoscience material focused mainly on the formation of the Rockies but also including topical issues in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, and to a much lesser extent, to the rest of Canada and the world. The Centre has worked with a number of geologists to showcase a collection of locally-sourced fossils.
Visitors can access the Centre’s rich geography and geoscience library of resource materials. Talisman Energy Inc. donated its geoscience library to the Centre.