Member Mondays are a fantastic way for Museum members to get acquainted with one another and with the work of the Canmore Museum. We invite members of the community to…

Member Mondays are a fantastic way for Museum members to get acquainted with one another and with the work of the Canmore Museum. We invite members of the community to…

<h4>The Canmore NWMP Barracks was built in 1893, making it one of the oldest buildings in the community.  Drop into the Restoration Open House to learn about the restoration of…

Corporal Clarke is in need for a second officer at the Canmore NWMP Barracks. Do you know how to groom and ride a horse? Know how to make your bed…

Corporal Clarke is in need for a second officer at the Canmore NWMP Barracks. Do you know how to groom and ride a horse? Know how to make your bed…

Corporal Clarke is in need for a second officer at the Canmore NWMP Barracks. Do you know how to groom and ride a horse? Know how to make your bed…

Right in time for the hot weather, this image shows Hap Clarke and his sister Phyllis, in the words of their brother John “braving the cold water” in the “creek…

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